553 Tyler St.
Pittsfield, MA 01201

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make an appointment?

Call (413) 499-7645 (499-SMILE), or drop us a note on the appointment request page.

May I get my teeth cleaned at my first appointment?

Dr. George feels it is necessary to schedule the first appointment with him rather than the hygiene department. That way he will have enough time to do a complete exam and answer any questions you may have.

How soon may I have an appointment?

Provided your situation is not a dental emergency and your times are flexible, we should be able to schedule you within a week or so. If you are an existing patient with a dental emergency our response is "how soon can you be here?"

Do you accept my insurance?

Almost every dental insurance can be used at our office. Our office manager will be happy to assist you in understanding your dental benefits.

Do you accept payment plans?

We are well aware that quality dentistry can be expensive. We do not feel finances should stand in the way of getting the treatment you deserve. That is why we have several payment plans that you can pick from. Dee, our financial consultant will be happy to help you.